I already tried to use the GPS of my Ericsson F5521gw in my Lenovo L520 a couple of month ago with Ubuntu 12.04 (precise), however it didn’t work out of the box. As the release of 14.04 (trusty) was close, I decided to wait.
However it didn’t work with trusty either. Therefore I decided to dig into the problem. I came up with the following dirty workaround:
First run
$ sudo apt-get install gpsd gpsd-clients wvdial
Edit the /etc/wvdial.conf to look like this:
[Dialer Defaults]
New PPPD = yes
Stupid Mode = 1
Modem Type = USB Modem
[Dialer gps]
Modem = /dev/ttyACM2
Init1 = AT*E2GPSCTL=1,5,1
Now we can begin to start gpsd. First establish a connection to your mobile provider with the network manager (upper right corner in Unity).
Then create a pipe somewhere and use wvdial to setup the GPS:
$ mkfifo /root/gps_pipe
$ wvdial gps
The GPS should now transmit data on /dev/ttyACM2. You can have a look at it with “$ cat /dev/ttyACM2”. Stuff the output into the pipe and start gpsd in read only mode:
$ cat /dev/ttyACM2 > /root/gps_pipe
$ gpsd -n -N -D4 -b /root/gps_pipe
If cat stops, just restart cat. If gpsd throws an error, restart it as well. It should work after a couple of attempts. If there is any better solution, you’re welcome to contact me.
[Update] Fix for the cat error: run gpsd with a user that has no write rights on the pipe. I created a pipe in tmp as root
$ mkfifo /tmp/gps_pipe
The pipe should have only read rights for others. Then I can execute gpsd as a normal user and cat does not stop:
$ gpsd -n -N -D4 -b /root/gps_pipe
I used the following ressources:
[1] http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Ericsson_F3507g_Mobile_Broadband_Module
[2] http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/gps-mit-ericsson-mbm-f3705g-einrichten/
[3] http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/mbm/index.php?title=MBM#GPS_Control_.28mbm-gpsd.29
[4] http://www.tjansson.dk/2009/01/using-the-builtin-gps-in-a-thinkpad-x200-under-linux/